It’s about that time for the Ghost to come out from the dark and into the Spotlight … and by Ghost I mean Ghost Da Lyrical, underground rapper, also known as Hakim Wassi-Hill, who was born in Brooklyn but represents the place in which he grew up; Queens.
... We’re always talking about what makes these underground artists unique, and I think Ghost is easy to separate from the pack because of his incredibly creative lyricism.
Ghost Da Lyrical currently has two mixtapes out; his first called “Many Faces of a Ghost” and his sophomore mixtape called “Dream Eater”. Both of them showing that Ghost is more than your average underground rapper, and the second showing a substantial amount of growth from the first. We can only expect his next mixtape, “Mainstream Killah”, will demolish the previous ones.
Check out our Q&A with Ghost Da Lyrical below, along with a video of him performing "Hold Da Throne"
Q: So Ghost Da Lyrical, when did you start making music and why?
A: I didn't choose to make music, or rap. It chose me. I am drawn to it like a moth is to a flame. It's encoded in my DNA.
Q: Can you briefly describe your music for anyone who may have never heard it before?
Q: What or who influences/inspires your music?
Q: How did the name Ghost Da Lyrical come about?
A: "Ghost" is a name I carry from my childhood, in reference to my demeanor. "Da Lyrical" was tacked on from a homie in high school who found out I had a way with words.
Q: How much does music mean to you?
Q: Who are you currently listening to in hip hop, or even in other genres, whether commercial or not?
A: My Indie hip-hop list is as follows: Izzo Flii, Mike Classic, Naji President, Eric Sosa, Elohim Marino. As far as other genres go, I like Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, One Republic, Breaking Benjamin, Secondhand Serenade. I have an ear for general good music, no matter the genre.
Q: So "Mainstream Killah" will be dropping March 4th. Can you give readers some insight on what to expect from it?
A: You can expect nothing short of a masterpiece. The music speaks for itself, I won't brag about how my tape is "a movie" or "epic". See for yourself, I guarantee you'll enjoy it.
Q: And this will be your 3rd mixtape right? How do you feel you have grown as an artist since the making of that first mixtape?
Q: What do you feel is the key to success as an emcee?
A: To be true to yourself, and to stay as versatile as possible.
Q: Any last words?
A: Shout out to The Spotlight, shining light on the underground emcee!
Check out Ghost Da Lyrical on: - Ghost Da Lyrical
Check out Ghost Da Lyrical on: - Ghost Da Lyrical
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