Monday, March 5, 2012


Written by: Pia Fergus
Rating: 5 out of 5

"Double-U-Zee-Are-Dee" is how you pronounce the new alternative-rock band WZRD, composed of long time collaborators Dot Da Genius and Kid Cudi. Brothers from different mothers is what they consider themselves to be; Dot took Cudi in when he was just a young adult to work on music together, and they created smash hits such as the ever so popular "Day N Nite." Years later, after an idea with Cudi arose to start a rock band, he leaned on no one other than Dot to co-produce sweet sounds and melodies, wicked guitar riffs, and create a new sound that remained true to rock n roll roots but still honored that unique Cud/Dot collabo magic that the fans are used to. Cudi and Dot produced 90% of the instrumentals on this album.

For those of you who are new to who Kid Cudi is, he is an artist who created a new sound in the hip-hop industry. For a long time, he was dubbed "the lonely stoner" because of his tragic stories, entergalactic beats and his issues that he managed to get over. He was and still IS emotional, which is a good thing. This WZRD album is what I like to consider a crossover album from his unique hip-hop routine to a whole new sound in rock n roll. It debuted at #1 on the iTunes charts when it released, and for his loyal fans, it will remain a classic. Don't call it an "attempt" at rock, call it a SUCCESS. This, my friends, is the debut of WZRD, and I invite you along on the journey to greatness as I give you an accurate breakdown of this album, equipped with fun-facts and all.


1. "The Arrival"- 2:53
Two minutes and 53 exact seconds of crazy serious electric guitar riffs and drums. If Cud and Dot were walking into a room, this would be their background music. No words, just pure awesome-ness.

2. "High Off Life"- 5:13
This is the story of Cudi's new found life without drugs or any other harmful substances. "Hey Mama, I'm livin' la vida, don't need to worry 'bout your baby no more...". He's bragging about his happiness, meaning he's no longer on the "pursuit" of it. .

3. "The Dream Time Machine"- 4:47
Empire Of The Sun was responsible for collaborating with the WZRD pair to create the PERFECT dreamy essence of the song (something Empire Of The Sun is realllly good at if you haven't noticed). This is another celebration song to the current state of life that Cudi is in, which is G.O.O.D. "Times have changed now ... I've changed, a good different. More champagne now ... what i'm seeing for the world I wouldn't miss it." 

4. "Love Hard"-4:38
This song is a song that has questions that a woman would usually ask her boyfriend in a relationship, but it's flipped to a man's point of view. "Will you complete my life? The blueprint of peace, the solution to love, I found you, now will you be true?". This song is very "sassy" as Cudi said in an interview with Complex Magazine.

5. "Live & Learn"-4:34
You can tell by the title of this song that it is about life's lessons. Cudi sings about finding your own lane in life, and how to appreciate the lessons you get out of life's experiences. "Hey! Gotta take that ride baby! No regrets, ain't got no time baby!" One of Dot's personal favorites off of the album.

6. "Brake"-5:04
The guitar riff in the beginning will make your ears react, become alert, and stand up like a dog's ears when someone yells "supper time!" It's super mellow and super deep; it's one of those tracks that you put on when you're feeling kind of cocky."No light to guide my way ... I'm going blind down the hill ... nothing that no one can say ... i'm gonna find my will to live."

7. "Teleport 2 Me, Jamie"-3:58
This track, which was the first single from the album, is a total heart melter. Jamie is Cudi's bestfriend and girlfriend, and this song is dedicated to their long distance relationship. "Gettin' in from the airport, you gettin' in from the study group, the only thing missing at this point, is bona fide chillin' time with you." Ladies hold your tears for this one, and gentlemen PLEASE take notes. THIS is how you impress a lady.

8. "Where Did You Sleep Last Night?"-4:15
This is a cover of the original Lead Belly song, but inspired from the Nirvana unplugged version. Cudi really shows his vocal abilities in this song, you can tell he put his heart into the lyrics. It's very, very touching. "My girl, My girl, don't lie to me, tell me where did you sleep last night?"

9. "Efflictim"-4:28
This is classic Cud, emotional, and thought provoking. The song seems to be aimed at his significant other.  Think of it as 50 Cent's "21 Questions" song put into more life-threatening situations, such as death. "All i'm trying to say is life is too short, all we got is love baby and the time to make it right." Another tear jerker.

10. "Dr. Pill"-4:14
This track is a hype one. It's a story about Cudi not being able to notice himself in the mirror when he was on drugs, and all the emotions he went through, and him asking "Dr. Pill" for help. "Dr. Pill, Dr. Pill, give me something I'm feeling ill now ... 'cause when I look in the mirror, I don't know who this dude is staring back at me."

11. "Upper Room"-3:12
This is like Cudi's gospel record. He sings about perserverance through hard times, and believing in yourself and God. Perfect way to end an awesome album. "Some people are pussies, scared to be what God had made them to be." This track along with the instrumentals are VERY eye-opening; you might just have a revelation about yourself after listening to this song.

Overall, WZRD did NOT dissappoint. Cudi and Dot fans old and new will appreciate this new lane that they ventured upon. They did their research, they practiced their instruments, they wrote the songs, they rocked out.